Police Approved: Secured by Design.

Disklabs New Notebook Shield has ‘a trick up its sleeve’

Tamworth United Kingdom. 6th March 2018: The primary purpose of a conventional Notebook sleeve is to protect the device from physical damage, so wouldn’t it be great if it could also protect your data at the same time. The NEW Notebook sleeve from Disklabs does just that.

Not many of us would leave our notebook or laptop unattended in an unsecured environment but in reality, many of us do just this. Physically carrying a device during the daily commute or in public spaces still leaves the risk of connectivity to unsecured wireless networks which can be exploited by hackers.

As a digital forensic specialist company, Disklabs is very aware of these risks and has spent over 20 years helping law enforcement, businesses, government agencies and individuals recover lost and corrupted data, culminating in the development of the new Notebook Shield. Simon Steggles, Disklabs founder said ‘The team at Disklabs have long been aware that prevention is better than cure, and the new Notebook Shield has been developed to block all wireless signals, frustrating the hacker’.

The main features of the NEW Disklabs Notebook Shield

  • Blocks all RF wireless signals
  • Protects the device from physical damage.
  • Functional and stylish design
  • Dimensioned for mainstream brands, Apple, Dell and Microsoft etc.
  • Discreet branding
  • Independently tested
  • Uses military grade water resistant material
  • Designed and manufactured in the UK

At Disklabs, data is our business. Our products and services help our clients both solve and prevent crime. The UK’s ‘original Disklabs faraday bags’ are used to shield digital devices from the battlefield to the boardroom in over 80 countries. Whether it’s on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or key fob, we’re the UK’s number one provider of active RF shielding. Operating from a state of the art facility Disklabs has over 20 years’ experience in data recovery, digital forensics and certified data erasure.

Disklabs is a member of Secured By Design, the flagship UK police initiative to help design out crime through the use of high quality, innovative, products’.

To see the full range of Disklabs shielding solutions for all your digital devices visit us at www.faradaybag.com

Press Contact

Andrew Tilbury
Disklabs Limited
+44 (0)1827 50000

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  1. Be forward thinking in your approach to business.
  2. To be a supplier to either law enforcement, intelligence, military or government agencies.
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  6. You will be able to receive marketing assistance – if exhibiting, if it is viable, we can assist your team with additional staffing and sample products.
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  8. You will be listed on the dedicated www.faradaybag.com website, (top of all major search engines).
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